Energy Therapy


A personalized crystal grid inscribed with 24 hour Reiki and Golden Light Energy

Can be set with the intention of:
Grounding and clarity
Emotional balance & healing
Intuition activation & new beginnings
Abundance, happiness, confidence



A customized combination of Golden Light Healing, Reiki, and Integrated Energy Therapy 

Conducted live via Zoom

20 Minute Remote Reiki 

What is Reiki?

The Japanese kanji for the word "Reiki" translates to "Universal Life Force Energy." Reiki is a gentle modality where the practitioner accesses the client's chakras & auric field to infuse this healing energy. Reiki focuses on rebalancing the chakra system--the energy centers in our bodies that correlate to various emotions, life stages, and specific parts of the body. Reiki can be deeply relaxing and has been said to help reduce stress and anxiety. 

What is Integrated Energy Therapy (IET)?

"Healing with the Angels"

Traumas and emotional stressors are not just experienced through the mind. In fact, when a trauma becomes too difficult for the psyche to process, it becomes stored in the body as cellular memory. IET is a form of energy therapy that uses the violet angelic energy ray to release traumas stored in the cells of the body, while subsequently replacing them with empowerment imprints. For instance, we release fear and integrate safety; shame with worthiness; anger with forgiveness, and so on. The IET practitioner works with certain energy meridians, channels, and integration points (similar to acupressure points) to achieve this. 

What is Golden Light Healing?

Golden Light Healing is an effective, powerful, and transformative modality adapted by Haley Cole. Golden Light Healing focuses on awakening the Christ-consciousness/Buddha-consciousness (the Golden Light within) to clear, heal, and activate the energetic body. This in turn aligns us with our highest self and our purpose. Here, we also work with the healing power of the elements, as well as spirit guides and light rays, to heal inner child wounds, heal ancestral trauma, activate spiritual DNA, perform womb healings, clear the chakras, heal past lives, awaken & deepen your intuition, and more. 

I'm looking forward to working with you!

Amanta Healing- Copyright 2020 - All Rights Reserved